On second day film grossed ₹4.26 crores from India making the domestic total of ₹7.87 crores. On its first day Carry On Jatta 2 grossed ₹3.61 crores in India making a record for best opening of Punjabi film in India(₹3.05 crores from Punjab & ₹56 lakh from other states). See also: List of highest-grossing Punjabi films Box office India Finally, the confusion is cleared in the drama played by Honey. Then Tony sees them running and he thinks Advocate loves her and running away. It required much time but this plan works and Jass ran away with Meet but Goldie's uncle Tony saw them and informs Advocate Dhillon who thought Jass is running with his daughter-in-law (Goldie's wife) so he starts following them with his house servant who meets them on the way. So, Jass makes another plan so that Meet could hate his family and should take him to Canada. After marrying Meet, Jass started asking her to go to Canada but she refuses as she thinks that it is cruel to abandon Jass's family. Jass hatches a new plan of showing that Advocate Dhillon is his father and showing Dhillon that Meet is Goldie's wife but this creates a lot of confusion and problems. Her uncle and Honey had met before so they asked him to find any groom for her and Honey asks Meet to marry Jass.
On the other hand, Meet's uncle starts searching for grooms for Meet. But Jass refuses since he does not have any family. Soon, Meet requests Jass to take her to meet his family with her uncle. So, Jass makes a plan with Honey to trick Meet believing that Jass has a large family and he loves her a lot. He stalks Meet, learns that Meet is also an orphan and she had spent her whole life alone so she wants to marry a boy who has a large family. In the marriage, Jass meets Meet, an NRI girl, and he falls in love with her. Jass and Honey go to an NRI marriage, where the people are NRIs. Jass asks him to find any NRI girl for him. Coincidentally, his friend Honey works as a mediator in a marriage agency. So, the only way to go to Canada is to marry any NRI girl in Canada.
The only dream of Jass is to go to Canada but he doesn't meet the eligibility as he failed in education. Jass is an orphan guy living on rent in the house of Advocate Dhillon and his son Goldie Dhillon.